delegated legislation, legislative powers, constitutional regulation, decrees.Abstract
The article is devoted to the study of the legal nature, foreign experience and prospects for the formation of delegated legislation in Ukraine. Thus, the relevance of the selected issue was clarified, the content of the category “delegated legislation” and its main features were determined. The scientific publication discloses the foreign experience of the implementation of delegated by the example of France, Italy, Greece, Germany, Portugal, Switzerland, Iceland, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Slovenia, San Marino, Vatican City, Spain, Romania, Croatia, Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Georgia. On the basis of the above, it was necessary to clarify the general mechanism of normative consolidation of the institute of delegated legislation and to determine the main trends of its functioning. The study revealed the current state of development of delegated legislation in Ukraine. It has been established that currently the Constitution of Ukraine does not provide for the transfer of legislative powers from the parliament to the government. In addition, the historical experience of Ukraine in the field of delegated legislation was considered and the main acts of delegated legislation were identified, including: decrees of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and decrees of the President of Ukraine on economic issues not regulated by laws. The study identified the main shortcomings and gaps in the contemporary acts of delegated legislation, which subsequently influenced the development of this form of law-making. Based on the analysis of the experience of foreign countries in the field of delegated law-making, as well as the domestic political and legal history related to the delegation of legislative powers, the prospects for introducing the institute of delegated law-making into the law-making practice of Ukraine were determined. Thus, recommendations were developed, which in the future can become the basis for the creation of the Law of Ukraine “On Delegated Legislation”.
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