human trafficking; exploitation; recruitment; trafficker; martial law; military aggression; labor aggression; forcibly displaced persons.Abstract
The article defines the essence of the definition of "human trafficking" and the forms in which criminal offenses in the field of human trafficking occur. The purpose of the article is to study the features of the investigation of criminal offenses in the field of human trafficking in conditions of martial law. The main factors (preconditions) that contribute to the spread of human trafficking in the context of Russia's military aggression have been identified; normative legal acts in the field of prevention of human trafficking were analyzed; proposals for combating criminal offenses in the field of human trafficking were provided. An analysis of the legal framework for combating criminal offenses in the field of human trafficking shows that despite the fact of Russia’s military aggression, normative and legal regulations remain the same today as in peacetime. In our opinion, in order to more effectively oppose a criminal offense in trafficking in human beings in Ukraine, it is necessary to analyze the main factors that contribute to the spread of trafficking in human beings. These factors include internal (economic, social, psychological, informational and legal) and external preconditions (insufficiently effective system of combating trafficking in the world, demand for trafficking in human beings, the presence of opportunities for traffickers, etc.). One of the factors that promote the prosperity of trafficking is the availability of demand for pay sexual services and cheap labor for construction, processing production, industry and households. In the conditions of military status, these factors acquire even more importance. Internally displaced persons from active hostilities through the uncertainty of prospects for further accommodation and employment, domestic and financial difficulties are trying to get shelter or work abroad, so they may become victims of traffic. The key aspect of the article is that only the complex actions of joint activities in detecting, documenting and investigating criminal offenses of this category in cooperation with the National Police, soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine serving at checkpoints, employees of the State Border Service can counteract trade in "living goods" in conditions of martial law.
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