


social network; crime investigation; cyberspace; information environment.


The article is devoted to the study of the problems of using social networks on the Internet to identify relevant information in the investigation of crimes and their counteraction. The advantages and disadvantages of communication in social networks are considered. The role of law enforcement monitoring and analysis of profiles of persons in social networks is revealed. Emphasis is placed on current problems and risks of using social networks, comprehensive analysis of social networks as a source of forensic information in the investigation of crimes. In cyberspace, investigative units of the National Police of Ukraine can identify people of operational interest, find specific people by profiles on social networks by searching for and analyzing a photo, search and track the circle of people who committed crimes using the Internet. Information and analytical work on collecting information about users of social networks allows to obtain important data for exposing persons engaged in illegal activities. Analysis of profiles of social Internet networks not only allows you to identify friends and interests and preferences, location of the subject, the list of events planned to visit, but also to make a socio-psychological characteristics of the user. Information from social networks can guide the investigator to make tactical decisions in the investigation of cybercrime and crime. The use of the Internet is an ongoing process and should therefore be the subject of criminological research in order to develop approaches to crime prevention in a qualitatively new environment for the exchange of information. Suspicious blogs, chats and websites are constantly monitored by law enforcement agencies. Analysis of social networks can solve many issues in the detection and fight against crime, but it requires appropriate specialists in information and computer technology in operational and investigative units of law enforcement agencies. The use of modern information technology, social networks in criminal further detailed research and analysis in the activities of law enforcement agencies.


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How to Cite

Pavlysh, T., & Tereshenko, O. (2024). USE OF SOCIAL NETWORKS IN INVESTIGATION AND COMBATING CRIMES. Українська поліцеїстика: теорія, законодавство, практика, 3(1), 49–56.