means of information support; investigative actions; covert investigative actions; pre-trial investigation; criminal procedural legislation; criminal offense.Abstract
The article considers the means of information support during investigative actions and covert investigative actions. Attention is drawn to the fact that the legal and organizational basis for the use of information support of pre-trial investigation should be understood as the basic provisions governing the features and regulations of the use of information support during pre-trial investigation. The classification and characteristics of modern means of information support during investigative (investigative) actions and covert investigative (investigative) actions are provided. The issue of information provision of pre-trial investigation was paid to many Ukrainian scientists. At the same time, many aspects within the specified issues remain debatable. The purpose of the publication is to study the main aspects of the use of information provisions during investigators (searched) actions and unclassified investigators (searched) actions, as well as an analysis of the prospects for the use of recent Ukrainian science and practice. Thus, the tools of information provision need to be divided into: means of food software - means for collecting and fixing data in the course of actions stipulated by the criminal procedural legislation for obtaining evidence in the process of pre-trial investigation; means of analytical and computer security - means intended for actual search, documentary design and preservation of the material part of the evidence base; means of informative and telecommunication support - means for obtaining evidence by using data that are transferred to significant distances for the help of radio engineering, computer equipment and satellites; Means of informative and methodological support - Information arrays are used as theoretical knowledge of issues relating to a particular socially dangerous event and its figures.
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