National Police, First Aid/ Pre Med Care Procedures, Martial law, International Standards, Unification, Algorithms of CABCDE, MARCHE, ТЕСС.Abstract
The article is devoted to the study of topical issues of implementation of international standards of providing premedical assistance to victims in the training and activities of the National Police of Ukraine. A comparative analysis of the new normative and legal framework, which regulates these issues, their influence on the formation of the state of war in Ukraine, in particular, the analysis of the new terminological apparatus, and the progressive nature of certain novellas, was carried out. The changes that have taken place in the algorithms for providing pre-medical care by police officers as persons who do not have a medical education, but must provide it according to their official duties, are clearly shown. The level of implementation into the current legislation of international standards of tactical emergency aid to victims (CABCDE, MARCHE, ТЕСС) is characterized. From the comparison clearly shown in the table, it is found that the terminology of regulatory legal acts has been significantly changed to professional medical, the number of algorithms remains 29, but the rules for sorting, providing psychological support in an emergency situation, behavior in traffic accidents, and falling from a height have been canceled and animal and insect bites. Instead, procedures were introduced to provide pre-medical care to persons with a more generalized concept of “injury”, anaphylaxis and glycemia, with an unconscious person; a separate procedure for providing pre-medical assistance to victims of hostilities/martial law has been introduced. Also, police officers, as persons who do not have a medical education, but according to their official duties must provide paramedical assistance, are allowed to carry out the following manipulations “under the condition of passing appropriate training”: tamponade and use of hemostatic agents (M), intubation with naso(oro) airways (A), decompression with a special needle (R), infusions (C), drug injections and tablet dosing (“H”). These manipulations are “medical”, and in tactical conditions they are allowed to be performed only by paramedics who must have a medical education in accordance with educational and professional training programs. A conclusion was formulated on the need for further systematic implementation of tactical algorithms of police actions at the scene of the incident, as well as their standardization with internationally recognized algorithms, which would allow police officers to effectively perform their duties and responsibilities, legitimize the comprehensive procedure of primary and secondary examination, taking into account the specifics and professional activity, positively influence the qualification of issues of responsibility for improper performance of official duties and failure to provide assistance to a person in a lifethreatening condition, which will also contribute to the standardization of police training.
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