police, policemen, higher education students, physical training, NATO standardsAbstract
The article is devoted to summarizing the experience of implementing NATO standards into the system of physical training of forces of the security and defense sector, determining the possibility of its use in the system of organizing physical training of future police officers, and making proposals for its introduction. The authors analyzed the understanding of the concept of “NATO standards for physical training”, studied the positive domestic experience of their introduction into the system of physical training in the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. A conclusion was made about the indisputability and timeliness of the formation of a model of physical training of future police officers with the implementation of NATO standards, and the author's vision was proposed regarding the system of measures necessary to improve the physical training of future police officers, including taking into account existing NATO standards, including: the creation of joint working groups of representatives specialized departments of higher education institutions with specific training conditions that train police officers, for the implementation of measures to study the existing international standards for physical training of personnel for the bodies of the security and defense sector of Ukraine with the determination of the possibility of their implementation in the national system of police training; studying the positive experience of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in terms of developing methodological recommendations for individual physical training of servicemen according to NATO standards; creation of a typical program for the educational discipline “Special physical training” for students of higher education in institutions of higher education with specific conditions of study that train police officers, which would provide for and determine the purpose and planned program results of training, the subject of training sessions, the scope and content of independent training , forms and methods of the training process, control measures, as well as specialized exercises aimed at the formation of military applied skills.
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