


property, victimology, victim, criminal offenses against property, police activity.


The article examines the victimological characteristics of certain types of criminal offenses against property with the aim of reducing the rates of theft of other people’s property from cars, especially in the conditions of martial law. It has been established that the stabilization of the operational situation for countering the theft of someone else’s property from cars (they are most often committed in public places – 71.4% of the total number of cases studied), reducing the level of victimization of the population, is possible only on the basis of optimizing the organizational and structural construction of the police system, normative legal regulation of their activities in modern conditions, development of new forms and methods of working with victims of criminal offenses. Any car owner can become a victim of theft of property from a car. The emotional and psychological state of the victim differs from the behavior of an ordinary person. Such behavior can significantly complicate the implementation of operative and search measures. Police officers who carry out operative and investigative measures must take into account this emotional state of the victim. Therefore, their actions and deeds in most cases should be similar to the actions of doctors who examine sick patients. Under no circumstances is it permissible to show your own impatience and skepticism; to comment on the versions and what was said by the victim as some kind of nonsense; blame on safety and mistakes made. A police officer who carries out operational and investigative measures must be prepared for the fact that the victim’s actions can significantly complicate his work. He should be sensitive, polite and correct. No matter how hasty he is, he must patiently listen to whatever the victim thinks necessary to say. Be sure to explain to the victim what steps will be taken by the police to apprehend the suspect and compensate for the damages. It is proposed that the activity of the patrol police be considered useful if, when establishing patrol routes, the locations of the most frequent commissions of certain types of theft are taken into account, the employees of this service will be aware of the signs of criminals in a timely manner. This will contribute to the arrest and, therefore, to the cessation of criminal activity of persons who commit theft of other people’s property from cars. In the interests of the prevention of investigated criminal offenses, patrol police officers should be trained to educate car owners about the dangers of parking cars in unsuitable places.


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How to Cite

Balaban, S. (2024). VICTIMOLOGY CHARACTERISTICS OF CERTAIN TYPES OF CRIMINAL OFFENSES AGAINST PROPERTY. Українська поліцеїстика: теорія, законодавство, практика, 4(2), 48–52.

