pretrial investigation, information provision, criminal offense, normative regulation, shortcomings, criminal process.Abstract
The article deals with the normative and legal regulation of information protection within the framework of pre-trial investigation. It is indicated that the main provisions regulating the process of creation and functioning of information support for pretrial investigation are the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, as well as resolutions, departmental and interdepartmental documents. The normative regulation of information provision of pre-trial investigation must be understood as the coordination of the process of searching for, obtaining and accessing evidentiary information within the framework of the regulation of social relations that arise during the pre-trial investigation of criminal offenses, which is implemented with the help of legal and technical means in order to protect a set of social and state interests. It is noted that information security must be understood as a set of criminal-legal and criminal procedural measures and means aimed at actively countering illegal interference in the process of pre-trial investigation by destabilizing the criminal process due to negative informational influence. Information security is the state of protection of procedural data from unauthorized access for the purpose of entering false information. The following is summarized: 1) information provision of pre-trial investigation, in addition to the Code of Criminal Procedure of Ukraine and special documents, is implemented with the help of normative legal acts, which provide for the protection of information, as well as which outline the specifics of its use in the process of investigating criminal offenses; 2) at the regulatory and legal level, the fundamental difference between information security and information security is still not clearly defined, which leads to errors during the construction of separate norms of criminal procedure and criminal legislation; 3) the lack of a unified understanding of the essence of information and the features of its protection against unauthorized access endangers the confidentiality and objectivity of the pre-trial investigation.
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Про доступ до публічної інформації : Закон України. База даних «Законодавство України». URL: laws/ show/2939-17.
Про захист пересональних даних : Закон України. База даних «Законодавство України». URL: show/2297-17.
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