


police, police units in the water, status, legal status, administrative and legal status.


This article is devoted to the study of the concept of the administrative and legal status of police units on the water. It is proved that the administrative and legal status of water police units is derived from the generic concept of “administrative and legal status” and the general concept of "legal status" as legal categories. The content of the administrative-legal status of the public administration body is characterized and its features are defined, which include: normative certainty mainly by the norms of administrative law; determination of the goals, tasks and functions inherent in a particular body (division), distinguishing it from other public administration bodies or other divisions within a particular body; the presence of a structural and organizational structure that allows you to effectively implement the goals, objectives and functions of the body (unit); endowment with competence, that is, a set of specific rights and obligations inherent in a particular body (division), which it implements in certain areas and administrative-legal relations. The issue of the peculiarities of the administrative and legal status of police units on the water as a separate subject of administrative and legal relations that develop in the process of implementing their police activities has been clarified. The structural and organizational structure of the territorial police units on the water is analyzed. It is concluded that the need to make managerial decisions to improve the structural and organizational construction of these units. The necessity of adopting a specialized regulatory legal act aimed at determining the organizational and legal foundations of the activities of police units on the water, as well as the purpose of its activities, specific tasks and functions, and a list of their powers is emphasized. It is proposed to determine the administrative-legal status of police units on the water to determine how its legal position in the system of bodies and units of the National Police of Ukraine is regulated by the norms of administrative law, characterized by the competence assigned to them (disclosed through specific rights and obligations), the implementation of which ensures the achievement of the goal, the fulfillment of tasks and implementation of the functions assigned to them.


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How to Cite

Khozlu, I. (2024). ADMINISTRATIVE AND LEGAL STATUS DISTRIBUTED BY WATER POLICE. Українська поліцеїстика: теорія, законодавство, практика, 4(2), 17–21.

