police, police state, national security, law enforcement agencies, Interpol.Abstract
The article is devoted to the administrative and legal legitimization of police activities to ensure security in the border areas of Ukraine. Security in the border area of Ukraine is analyzed as a complex socio-political phenomenon, the content of which is clear, and in practice, everyone understands this concept in their own way. The most dangerous are the following internal threats to the national interests of Ukraine: criminalization of society, corruption, payment crisis, political confrontation, growth of the shadow economy, smuggling, international terrorism. It is indicated that the task of the police in a democratic legal state is to ensure legal peace and internal security, to protect state bodies from encroachment on their activities by external influences, as well as to protect people when they exercise their rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution. Regarding the legitimization of police activity in the conditions of political pluralism, the police bodies (both law enforcement agencies) and the state in general are guided by the principle of neutrality, the police have no political function. It was determined that the essence and feature of ensuring security in the border areas of the state are: ensuring the protection of public order, affirming and ensuring the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen, proceeding in cases of administrative offenses, carrying out border control and passage, registration of foreigners and stateless persons, detection smuggling, international terrorism, transportation of narcotic substances, etc. It was established that Ukraine supports the creation of a new European security system, which is based on the desire of the vast majority of states to narrow the possibilities of using law enforcement agencies and military forces to ensure security in border areas from internal and external threats. We believe that at the current stage of the development of our country, scientific research on countering and preventing corruption and international terrorism is of particular importance.
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