legal protection, administrative responsibility, administrative offense, insult, police officer.Abstract
The article deals with the problem of insulting police officers while their performing official duties, as well as establishing administrative responsibility for such an offense. Current problems of legal responsibility for insulting officers of the National Police of Ukraine have been researched on the ground of the analysis of administrative legislation provisions, separate bills, scientific literature and foreign experience. Foreign experience of the current state of legal regulation of judicial responsibility for insult and slander against police officers in Poland, Germany, France and Spain has been analyzed. Moreover, the need to study and apply the best practices of the European Union states with the aim of making amendments to the current administrative legislation of Ukraine has been emphasized in the conditions of the European integration of our country and acquiring the candidate status for membership in the European Union. The authors investigated the provisions of the draft Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses Regarding the Protection of the Honor and Dignity of Officers of the National Police of Ukraine, Members of Public Organizations for the Protection of Public Order and the State Border, and Servicemen” reg. No. 5050 dated by 08.02.2021 and the alternative draft law “On Amendments to the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses Regarding the Protection of the Honor and Dignity of Citizens and Law Enforcement Officers” reg. 5050-1 dated by 24.02.2021. The legislative initiatives have been noted to be relevant, timely and necessary to ensure the protection of the honor and dignity of the National Police of Ukraine, during the performance of their official duties for the protection of public order, strengthening administrative responsibility and receiving a fair punishment. Attention is paid to the need to standardize and improve the conceptual apparatus through the definition of such terms as “insult” and “public insult”, which are used in the proposed draft law.
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Про внесення змін до Кодексу України про адміністративні правопорушення щодо захисту честі та гідності працівників Національної поліції України, членів громадських формувань з охорони громадського порядку і державного кордону та військовослужбовців : проєкт Закону України № 5050 від 08.02.2021. URL: (дата звернення: 30.09.2022).
Про внесення змін до Кодексу України про адміністративні правопорушення щодо захисту честі і гідності громадян та працівників правоохоронних органів : проєкт Закону України № 5050-1 від 24.02.2021. URL: (дата звернення: 30.09.2022).