prevention, deviation, deviant behavior, world practice, foreign experience, prevention, social control.Abstract
The article highlights the problems of preventing negative deviant manifestations in world practice, which are based on the principles of democratization, liberalization, and progressiveness. However, the application of such prevention measures should also be based on restrictive principles that prevent deviant abuse. The elements of the prevention strategy of the UN Interregional Institute for Crime and Justice Research (UNICRI), the role of “neighborhood control” as an example of partnership in preventing criminal offenses – “crime prevention” – are outlined. Attention is focused on the interaction between the population and the police in order to increase the protection of citizens, the effectiveness of law enforcement activities, and the minimization of illegal actions by police officers. Summarizing known recommendations regarding the prevention system, strategic directions are defined, general social measures are outlined aimed at reducing socio-economic differentiation, unemployment, improving urban ecology, etc.; family and child support programs; support and treatment programs for alcohol and drug abusers released from prisons, victims of criminal offenses; neighborhood mutual assistance – “neighborhood control”; maximally effective detention of persons serving sentences in places of deprivation of liberty; improvement of “security equipment of the urban agglomeration” (electronic security devices, lighting of streets, squares, courtyards, security alarms, local police patrols, etc.). At the special criminological level, the forms of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of deviant manifestations are disclosed. It has been proven that one of the most important and favorable areas of social control over deviance is the provision of social, psychological, and medical assistance to persons prone to drug and alcohol addiction, the homeless and unemployed, refugees and forced migrants, persons released from prison. Social control is defined as a mechanism of self-organization (self-regulation) and self-preservation of society by establishing and maintaining a normative order in this society and eliminating, neutralizing, and minimizing norm-breaking and deviant behavior.
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