deviation, deviation, pathology, social and social norm, sexual dysfunction, criminal offence, gerontological (elderly) ageAbstract
The scientific article examines some issues related to the study of sexual deviations of the elderly as an object of criminological analysis. The issue of classification of sexual disorders, deviations, and sexual dysfunctions is considered. The author examines the theories of the origin and development of the study of sexual deviations, its characteristics and forms, as well as the results of studies of certain types of deviations, such as social, psychological, psychiatric, age and gender. Separately, sexual deviations are studied, distributed in accordance with the modern list of sexual deviations, which has recently been supplemented by previously unidentified forms. The reasons for the emergence of new forms of sexual deviations associated with technological progress, modern human practices or the influence of chemicals are considered. The main types of sexual deviations are identified, such as fetishism (sexual symbolism), exhibitionism, paedophilia, sexual sadism (erototherapy, active allogamy), sexual masochism (passive allogamy, passive flagrantism), gerontophilia, zoophilia (sodomy, zoophilia, zoostrum, bestiality, zoophilia), necrophilia, fetishistic cross-dressing (aeonism, metatropism). The study provides and analyses in depth the current statistical data on criminal offences committed by persons of gerontological age against sexual freedom and sexual inviolability. From the foregoing, it can be concluded that these issues are extremely relevant and important for Ukrainian society, especially since the subject of these criminal offences is peculiar (due to age and various possible general and personal social and psychological changes) and, accordingly, such offences have a great resonance among the public. Here, all issues are deeply connected with psychological, social, family and family social trauma, morality, purity of relationships, education, worldview, values, honour, dignity, freedom, inviolability and further life.
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