


victimological signs, child victims, violent crimes, violent crimes against sexual freedom and sexual inviolability


The article proves that, depending on the age, biological and individual psychological characteristics of children, the nature of criminal acts, even a single sexual violence can become a specific psychological trauma and negatively affect the mental health of the victim, leading to acute reactions to stress, post-traumatic. stress disorders, adjustment disorders, even can lead to decompensation. At the same time, mental harm is done to the child from the knowledge that his sexual abuse is being recorded on film, and the images can be viewed by many and that they can be seen by relatives and friends; feelings of shame and guilt due to the nature of the images. In case of sexual crimes, it is advisable to collect the following information about the identity of the victim: age, gender, physical characteristics, marital status, social adaptation, intelligence, relationships, success in an educational institution (place of work), lifestyle and recent changes in lifestyle, personality and temperament characteristics, demeanor, place of residence (previous and recent), reputation at home and at work, medical history (physical and mental characteristics), personal habits (alcohol, drug use), social habits, hobbies, passions, comrades and enemies, etc. The victim of a sexual crime is associated with all components of the criminological characteristics of this category of crimes. However, of greatest interest is its connection with the criminal, because it allows you to develop recommendations that provide direct access to the identity of the criminal. The relationship between the victim and the perpetrator is diverse and can be traced along the line of commonality of their personographic, moralpsychological, behavioral, target, motivational, spatio-temporal and other characteristics and relationships.


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How to Cite

Kuzmenko, S., & Kuzmenko, S. (2024). VICTIMOLOGICAL FEATURES OF CHILDREN-VICTIMS OF VIOLENT CRIMES AGAINST SEXUAL FREEDOM AND GENDER. Українська поліцеїстика: теорія, законодавство, практика, 5(1), 98–102.

