victimology, criminology, stages of development, victimological studies, victimization, victimhood, criminological victimology, victim, criminological-victimological paradigmAbstract
The article examines the historical stages of formation and development of victimological thought in Ukraine. Attention is focused on the personalities of scientists who deeply developed this scientific direction. Their views expressed in scientific works are briefly analyzed, and it is also concluded that victimology has its origins in criminological science. Thus, the analysis of the main works of researchers shows that victimology finds its place in the General and Special parts of criminology: general problems of victimology are an element of the General part of criminology (crime and its victimological principles, victimological determinants, victimological principles of the mechanism of criminal behavior, problems of victimological prevention, victimology policy), and victimology of certain types of crime, groups of crimes is included in the Special part of criminology. It is suggested that the emergence of modern victimology is related to a fairly widespread phenomenon in the history of the formation of the vast majority of sciences, when as a result of research conducted within the limits of certain fields of knowledge, a certain set of information accumulates, which, under the influence of external factors, primarily social needs, attracts the attention of specialists. And in the process of the mutual influence of the new research community and public demands, there is a differentiation of the branches of science. Such a historical process is continuous: both in the period of formation and in the period of development of criminological victimology as a separate field of knowledge about the victim of criminal assault. The further development of victimology is predicted as a general theoretical one for the sciences of the criminal and legal direction, with the selection of directions for the study of certain victims depending on the type of criminal offense: victimology of violent crime, juvenile victimology, victimization of the elderly, victimological aspects of family violence, victimological aspects of illegal possession of vehicles, victimological aspects of criminal offenses against property. The proposed author's periodization of the development of victimological thought in Ukraine: 1) the emergence of victimological thought in Ukraine (the end of the 80s of the 20th century - the beginning of the 21st century); 2) formation of victimological thought in Ukraine (2006 - 2017); 3) the current stage of victimological thought in Ukraine (2017 – until now).
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