jurisdiction, Strategic Investigations Department, National Police, organized crime, operational search activitiesAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of the powers of the Strategic Investigations Department of the National Police of Ukraine. The content of the open part of the Regulation on the Strategic Investigations Department is analyzed. On this basis, the specifics of the activities of the Strategic Investigations Department of the National Police of Ukraine are determined, as well as the range of tasks assigned to it is identified. When considering the powers, the range of problems that arose after the liquidation of the Chief Administration in Fight with the Organized Crime was outlined. The attitude of the Strategic Investigations Department to solving problems in the field of combating crime in the sphere of economy has been resolved. At the same time, the article lists the advantages of creating specialized units for combating organized crime from the point of view of management theory. Current scientific positions on specifying the field of activity of the Strategic Investigations Department are highlighted. The influence of the conditions of the legal regime of martial law on the direction of the Department’s activities on war crimes is revealed. Emphasis is placed on the threat of undesirable duplication of operational and investigative work of various law enforcement agencies. An attempt was made to delimit the tasks assigned to the Strategic Investigations Department and to other law enforcement agencies in modern legal realities. The article summarizes the content of the powers of the Strategic Investigations Department of the National police of Ukraine in criminal proceedings. The opinion is expressed on the expediency of relying on the Strategic Investigations Department of tasks to combat criminal offenses, which have become widespread in the conditions of martial law, but are not related to organized crime.
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