



emergency-ritual and other non-serious work, civil safety, emergency situation, liquidation of legacy of emergency situation, operational-ritual service of civil protection, activity of State Service of Ukraine in emergency situations, tactics of police activity in minds of war


The focus of this article is on the specifics of carrying out measures to eliminate the consequences of emergencies caused by hostile attacks on civilian infrastructure in Ukraine by the police and other operational rescue services of civil protection. The study expands the theoretical and practical understanding of the state of danger and the consequences of attacks, as well as the procedure and problems of responding to emergencies caused by such attacks in order to eliminate their consequences and protect the participants in these measures. An increase in the intensity of Russian attacks on civilian infrastructure throughout Ukraine has been noted, which inevitably leads to an increase in the negative consequences of such war crimes in the form of death and injury to the civilian population. A systematization of individual problems has been carried out that, in wartime, prevent the effective implementation of tasks for civil protection of the population and maintenance of public safety and law and order in the context of eliminating the consequences of hostile attacks on civilian infrastructure, in particular, an attempt has been made to determine their relevance through the prism of the practical experience of the main subjects of emergency and rescue operations. Specific conditions for the participation of police officers and personnel of the operational-rescue service of civil protection in the elimination of the consequences of an enemy attack on civilian infrastructure facilities in wartime conditions have been determined. It has been established that in wartime conditions all practical measures must be implemented taking into account the risk of repeated damage to the facility and the need for strict compliance with personal safety rules by police officers, rescuers and medical workers when performing relevant tasks on site and in the zone of elimination of the consequences of an enemy attack. It has been established that, being in a dangerous zone, representatives of emergency and rescue services must clearly imagine the location of available and suitable protective structures of civil protection (other shelters) in the nearest radius and determine (taking into account the objective situation) the optimal routes to such shelters.


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How to Cite

Veselov, M., & Yednak, D. (2024). ELIMINATION OF THE CONSEQUENCES OF HOSTILE ATTACKS ON CIVIL INFRASTRUCTURE OBJECTS OF UKRAINE. Українська поліцеїстика: теорія, законодавство, практика, (4), 68–74. https://doi.org/10.32782/2709-9261-2024-4-12-12

