criminalistics methodology, murder investigation, forensic versions, group crimes, criminal groupAbstract
The article is devoted to the problems associated with the diagnosis of group homicides. The author emphasizes the impact of forensic diagnostics of the group nature of murders on the improvement of forensic methods of their investigation. It is stated that the participation of a group of persons in committing a murder significantly complicates the pre-trial investigation process due to increased information uncertainty, complexity of proof and active opposition to the investigation. It is determined that the timely advancement and verification of versions of the group nature of the crime is an important stage of the investigation, especially in cases of non-obvious murders. The author reveals the content of the relevant data contained in certain elements of the information component of the investigative situation and directly indicating the possibility of a group murder. The author analyzes the significance of traces left at the scene, expert research and operational and investigative information which may indicate the group nature of the crime. It is found that such signs as a significant number of bodily injuries, the use of different tools, traces of several persons, different nature of knots, etc. may be important indicators of the group’s participation in the commission of a crime. The author emphasizes the importance of using forensic modeling, which allows investigators to create a mental model of a criminal group, recreate the mechanism of the crime and determine the number of participants. The author emphasizes the importance of substantiated formulation of versions, since unreasonable versions lead to unnecessary expenditure of resources. It is determined that the final conclusion on the group nature of a crime should be based on a comprehensive, comprehensive and objective assessment of the factual data relevant to criminal proceedings. The article is of considerable interest for theoretical and practical comprehension of the issues of investigation of murders committed by a group of persons and offers effective recommendations for improving the quality and efficiency of pre-trial investigation.
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