tourism, tourism sector, criminal offense, fraud, prevention, foreign experienceAbstract
The article analyzes foreign experience in fraud prevention in the tourism sector. Tourism as one of the key areas of development of national culture and economy has become the focus of attention in creating favorable conditions for tourism activities. In addition, with the choice of the course for democratic development and European integration, Ukraine, taking into account various internal and external political factors, has actively begun to develop tourism activities both in the near and far abroad. Unfortunately, the tourism industry has also suffered from crime, which has entailed significant financial losses for victims, decreased consumer confidence in the domestic tourism sector and negatively affected Ukraine's reputation in the international tourism market. Studying international experience in preventing criminal offenses in the tourism industry allows: to analyze the state and specifics of theoretical and regulatory developments in this area; highlight their positive aspects; develop recommendations for preventing offenses through criminal law and criminology. It has been established that one of the main measures to prevent fraud in the field of tourist services abroad is to tighten criminal liability, as well as criminalize such actions as "illegal tourist activities" and "intentional failure to fulfill obligations to tourists." In the criminal codes of foreign countries, in addition to property or rights to property, the objects of fraud may be services and agreements (France); data from electronic computers (Germany); illegal profits (Italy); benefits (Estonia). It is noted that fraud is an intentional criminal offense and can be committed using advantages that have suffered in risky situations or a serious condition, as well as by deception in the context of commercial activities of persons who are sellers or managers of the company, or acting on its behalf (England) ). It is noted that in the context of preventing fraud in the field of tourist services abroad, the following key activities are of particular scientific and practical interest for Ukraine: organizing constant broadcasts in the media; informing about changes in legislation and judicial practice; development of special programs to prevent fraud; creation of associations for persons who have suffered from fraud; holding special courses on victimology in educational institutions; activities of associations of travel agencies that ensure safe conditions for doing business in the tourism sector; improvement of the justice system and the penitentiary system; mandatory state registration and licensing of activities in the field of tourism services; creation of consumer protection departments in prosecutor's offices, etc.
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