effectiveness, police activity, police organizations, strategic management, personnel policy, management efficiency, management decision, management modelAbstract
The article addresses contemporary challenges and threats faced by law enforcement agencies under martial law conditions and explores innovative management approaches that contribute to enhancing their efficiency and readiness to respond. The focus is on the implementation of cutting-edge management paradigms, such as "smart management," which involves the use of information and communication technologies to optimize management processes, as well as cognitive management, which improves decision-making quality through the analysis of large data volumes. The author analyzes an adaptive management model that ensures the flexibility of law enforcement agencies in response to rapid changes in the external environment, particularly in the field of security. In the context of the continuous development of information technologies and the increase in cyber threats, the author suggests the implementation of cyberintegrative management, which combines management processes with modern digital solutions to enhance coordination and interaction between various units. Preventive management is considered a key component of the effective functioning of law enforcement agencies, as it is aimed at the early detection and neutralization of threats, thereby reducing the risks of crisis situations. The integration of these management approaches not only enhances the operational readiness of law enforcement agencies but also ensures more effective decision-making, which is critically important for maintaining public safety and stability under martial law conditions. The conclusions note that the application of strategic management helps optimize resources, improve communication between units, and strengthen a proactive approach to threat neutralization. This allows for the creation of a reliable and resilient law enforcement system capable of functioning effectively even in the most challenging modern conditions. The article may be useful for researchers, managers, and practitioners in the field of law enforcement who are seeking new approaches to improve the efficiency of their work.
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