professional development, professional development, legal status, rights and responsibilities of an employee, prosecutor, trainingAbstract
The scientific article is devoted to the study of the problems of improving the qualifications of prosecutors in Ukraine. The purpose of the scientific article is to assess the system of professional development of prosecutors in terms of its effectiveness in ensuring the professional development of prosecutors. It has been found that the legal relationship regarding the improvement of prosecutors' qualifications implies the existence of mutual rights and obligations of prosecutors and the state in the form of the prosecutor's office. Therefore, the system of professional development should be formed on the basis of ensuring the balance of these rights and responsibilities. It is well-founded that the evaluation of the effectiveness of the system of professional development of prosecutors should be carried out on the basis of the achievement of such components of the goal of professional development of prosecutors as: (1) effective performance of official duties and (2) formation of stable models of appropriate professional behavior. The existing system of improving the qualifications of prosecutors was analyzed and it was determined that it does not provide for the establishment of qualitative results, focusing only on the formal achievement of a quantitative indicator, and only for the training (training) of prosecutors at the TCPU. The following steps are proposed to improve the system of professional development of prosecutors: 1) ensuring a qualitative assessment of the results of professional development of prosecutors; 2) analysis of defined forms of professional development for their effectiveness and determination of quantitative indicators of compliance for each of them; 3) development of a mechanism for taking into account the results of professional development during the career growth of prosecutors.
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