


investigation method, forensic classification, classification criteria, criminal offenses against the environment


Forensic classification is a component of forensic methodology, which involves the study of criminal offenses of a certain type and their distribution into groups, types (subspecies) according to certain forensic criteria, which contributes to the development of specific methodological recommendations for the investigation of a particular type of criminal offenses, taking into account their forensic characteristics and features. The criterion for dividing criminal offenses into groups is the forensically significant signs of illegal acts, the patterns of their commission, which should include the method of committing the criminal offense, the identity of the criminal and the identity of the victim, the object of the criminal offense, the environment, tools and means of committing the criminal offense, consequences and typical traces of illegal actions. Taking into account the fact that the consequences of committing criminal offenses against the environment have a significant public danger and pose a threat to human life and health, as well as significant damage to the environment, animal and plant life, we propose to develop a forensic classification of criminal offenses against the environment depending on the consequences committing illegal actions and dividing them into the following groups: 1) criminal offenses against the environment that led to the death of people; 2) criminal offenses against the environment, which led to mass illness of people; 3) criminal offenses against the environment that led to environmental pollution of large areas; 4) criminal offenses against the environment that caused danger to life, health of people or the environment; 5) criminal offenses against the environment that caused the mass death of objects of animal or plant life; 6) criminal offenses against the environment, which led to a negative impact on human health, flora and fauna; 7) criminal offenses against the environment that caused material damage in a large amount; 8) criminal offenses against the environment that caused other serious consequences.


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How to Cite

Tatarenko, S. (2024). CRIMINAL CLASSIFICATION OF CRIMINAL OFFENSES AGAINST THE ENVIRONMENT. Українська поліцеїстика: теорія, законодавство, практика, 6(2), 44–49.