


animals, cruel treatment, criminal law characteristics, crime, morality, public order, object, objective side, subject, subjective side


In the process of further development of statehood in Ukraine and adaptation of all social spheres to European standards, there is a decrease in the moral and spiritual culture of the population and desocialization of the individual. This, in turn, contributes to the emergence and spread of numerous negative phenomena, in particular, crimes against public order and morality. The article examines the issue of criminal-legal characteristics of cruel treatment of animals in Ukraine, which is considered a socially dangerous act, classified as a crime in accordance with the Criminal Code of Ukraine, since it contradicts the moral principles of public life. The main object of this crime is social relations arising in the field of protection of morality in relation to animals. An additional mandatory direct object is social relations in the field of protection, reproduction and use of the animal world. Analyzing the objective side of the crime, it is investigated that it includes a socially dangerous act and the method of using cruel methods. The subject of the crime is a physically sane person who has reached the age of criminal responsibility, and a special subject is considered to be a person who, in addition to the characteristics of a natural person, sanity and reaching the age of criminal responsibility, also has additional characteristics associated with the performance of duties specifically assigned to him, determining his role and legal status, and also characterizing the relationship with the subject of the crime. It is noted that the hooligan motive, as an integral part of the subjective side of cruelty to animals, is defined as an open and demonstrative disregard for the moral norms existing in society. This is manifested in the desire of the guilty person to demonstrate obvious disrespect for society and the state due to abuse of animals, causing them physical suffering, which can lead to injury or death.


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How to Cite

Pirgo, O. (2024). CRIMINAL LAW CHARACTERISTICS OF ANIMAL CRUELTY IN UKRAINE. Українська поліцеїстика: теорія, законодавство, практика, (2), 41–45.

