legal principles, management activity, head of the territorial unit, patrol police, administrative lawAbstract
The article analyzes the principles of managerial activity of the head of the territorial division of the patrol police. It was established that the entire set of principles of administrative law, considered in a systemic dialectic unity, reflects the most essential aspects and features of the mechanism of administrative and legal regulation. A problematic aspect that directly affects the development of administrative law, in the context of defining and normative consolidation of its main principles, is highlighted, the role of which is the need to observe a reasonable balance of administrative and legal mechanisms. The task of clarifying the essence of administrative and legal principles in the field of management is formulated, which consists in expanding the potential of law, with the aim of organizing the sphere of activity of public administration subjects and increasing its efficiency. The practical component of the implementation of the principles of the activity of the head of the patrol police has been characterized, which is connected with the existence of extremely complicated state management mechanisms in the law enforcement sphere, requiring the development of new legal approaches. It is emphasized that the organic, mutually determined connection of legal means and means of organizing the management system is a natural tendency of administrative law, which is subject to consistent accounting in the process of detailing its principles. It has been established that insufficient definition of legal principles, which act as the most important constructive part of industry regulation, is a specific feature of the national system of administrative law. It is proved that the dogmatic interpretation of the principles of administrative and legal science as initial, objectively determined basic principles, according to which the system and content of this branch of law is formed and functions, does not fully correspond to modern ideas about the content of legal principles.
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