forensic expertise, forensic institutions, innovations, digital technologiesAbstract
Access to effective justice is crucial for citizens and businesses. Therefore, the E-Justice strategy was implemented in Europe. With the development of electronic communication technologies, it became possible to access information and databases remotely using computer technology. Ukraine is following the path of further improving the organization of the functioning of the judiciary and the administration of justice, as well as the introduction of digital technologies. This trend is also observed in the field of Forensic Science. European experience in electronic legal proceedings, integration of electronic databases and registers is the direction of improving the system of justice authorities. The article considers the main directions of using electronic information and communication systems in forensic expertise: telecommunications systems that provide automation of the processes of courts, pre-trial investigation bodies; official electronic databases (registers) of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine; automated workplaces that provide the activities of experts of various specialties. Special attention is paid to the official electronic registers of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. In particular, the paper considers the State Register of certified forensic experts and The Register of methods for conducting forensic examinations. There are also examples of electronic registers related to forensic activities in other countries: the Netherlands register of forensic experts (NRGD), the Baltic Register of Forensic experts, the Hungarian register of forensic experts. World analogues of The Register of methods of conducting forensic examinations (Ukraine) are considered: standards of expert activity in the USA (OSAC Registry). Examples of integration of National Forensic registers into international databases are given.
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