criminological management, criminal management, public management, regional level of management, management in the private sectorAbstract
The relevance of the article is substantiated by the need to study and improve criminological management in the prevention of criminal offences. The purpose of the article is a comprehensive study and improvement of criminological management in the field of criminal offences prevention. The article emphasizes that increasing the effectiveness of the fight against crime requires solving the tasks of improving criminological management in the prevention of criminal offences, and strengthening the authority of the bodies involved in this fight, which is possible only if the practice of commercialisation of criminal procedural decisions is eradicated. The author outlines the components of criminological management in the prevention of criminal offences. It is noted that criminological management is currently carried out at the State and regional levels. The first type of criminological management (state) is related to the solution of tasks in the field of combating crime, which is carried out by competent state authorities. The second type of criminological management (regional) implements the task of ensuring criminological security of regions, corporations, other business organisations, firms, etc. It is determined that criminological management in the private sector is aimed at ensuring reliable functioning and sustainable development of entrepreneurship through timely recognition, prevention, prevention and suppression of criminal threats to its legitimate interests, identification and minimization of criminological risks, and protection of life and health of personnel. In accordance with the goals and objectives set, the article uses general and special techniques and methods of scientific cognition, including: methods of analysis and synthesis; methods of classification and grouping, which allowed to study a wide range of scientific discussions on this issue.
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