mass riots, investigations, typical investigative situations, investigative versionsAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the concept and meaning of investigative situations during the investigation, in particular, the formation of typical investigative situations at the initial stage of the investigation of mass riots. The investigative situation is considered as a situation formed at a certain stage (initial, subsequent) that is characterized by the presence of a certain amount of information about the commission of illegal acts and the offender, as well as a set of conditions, circumstances and difficulties in the investigation process that must be resolved in order to achieve the objectives of the pre-trial investigation investigation. The criteria for the typification of investigative situations are data on the event of a criminal offense, the circumstances of the commission of illegal actions, the subject of criminal and illegal encroachment, information about the identity of the criminal (organizers and active participants of mass riots), the mechanism of the criminal offense, motive and purpose, as well as the trail picture and the presence of evidence at a certain stage of the investigation. It was determined that typical investigative situations are repeated investigative situations that arise during the investigation of a certain type of criminal offense and are formed by studying and generalizing the practice of investigation and trial of criminal offenses. Accordingly, typical investigative versions are assumptions about the commission of illegal actions in a certain typical investigative situation. Typical investigative situations of the initial stage of the investigation of mass riots include: 1) the first situation – available information about the preparation of mass riots and the persons who organize them; 2) the second situation – there is information about the commission of mass riots during a peaceful gathering of citizens (meetings, sports events); 3) the third situation – there is information about the commission of mass riots in a conflict situation (on the basis of the commission of a criminal offense, in case of dissatisfaction with the actions of law enforcement officers or decisions of representatives of state authorities, as well as during protest actions); 4) the fourth situation - there is information about the commission of mass riots that are organized in nature.
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