environment, environmental crime, criminal analysis, analytical support, countermeasures, criminal offenses, investigationAbstract
The scientific article is devoted to the study of theoretical and applied problems of using the possibilities of criminal analysis in the activity of combating criminal offenses against the environment committed by organized criminal groups. The main features and types of criminal analysis are singled out, the prospects for its active implementation at the national level are determined in order to increase countermeasures against organized criminal activity in the field of environmental protection. It is emphasized that the products of criminal analysis should serve as the basis for determining strategic and operationaltactical goals for the prevention and investigation of criminal offenses against the environment with an emphasis on a proactive response to an illegal event, that is, when the activities of a law enforcement body or its unit are guided by conclusions about the analysis of patterns and trends, which are identified in the criminal environment. Arguments are given that precisely such an approach to combating organized environmental crime will contribute to taking timely and effective measures regarding a problem or situation with the intention of eliminating or mitigating its consequences, will make it possible to effectively distribute resources taking into account the spheres and directions of activity of individual criminals, organized criminal groups and criminal environment in general. It was concluded that the prospects for the further development of the mentioned institute can be seen in the further development of the theoretical and methodological foundations of its applied use, and the successful implementation and introduction of the latest methods of criminal analysis will provide an opportunity in the future to extend it to the entire system of law enforcement agencies of Ukraine and to actively use analytical methods and techniques. thanks to which it is possible to ensure the fulfillment of the tasks of pre-trial investigation bodies and operational units, in particular, regarding counteraction, detection and effective investigation of criminal offenses against the environment committed by organized criminal groups.
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