legal principles, administrative and legal regulation, police activity, National Police of Ukraine, public administration, legal system, regulatory and legal actsAbstract
The article analyzes legal principles in administrative police activity. The importance of legal principles, which act as a kind of “nerve centers of law”, is emphasized, since their essence consists in enshrining in the content of legal acts the guiding requirements that must be met and obeyed by all legal norms, with respect to which the principles have priority. The concept of the existence of doctrinal principles, which are part of the legal system, but are outside the boundaries of the legal norm, is analyzed, worthy of attention. The need to supplement Chapter II of the Law of Ukraine “On the National Police” with a number of principles is substantiated. Emphasis is placed on the importance of the scientific principle, which, being based on modern achievements of legal science, should reflect the objective directions of the development of administrative police activity. Attention is drawn to the relevance of the principle of effectiveness, which is based on the perception of the tasks of police activity, defined by Article 2 of the Law of Ukraine “On the National Police”, as directions for achieving the basic performance indicators of the bodies (units) of the National Police in the field of ensuring public safety and order, protection of rights and human freedoms, as well as the interests of society and the state, combating crime, etc. Attention is focused on the importance of the principle of trust in the police and support from the population due to the need for clarity and objectivity of decisions and actions of police officers in the process of administrative police activity, which is achieved by monitoring public opinion about police activities and the state of police interaction with civil society institutions . The importance of the principle of increased legal responsibility of the head of the body (subdivision) of the National Police for the management decision is emphasized, due to the specific competence of the head of the police unit, whose powers allow him to act as a subject of administrative police activity, capable of making both external and internal management decisions.
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