



training of personnels; National police of Ukraine; higher education institutions with specific learning conditions; primary professional preparation; procedure of training of personnels.


The article is devoted to the issues of improving the development of staff capacity and human resource management in the National Police of Ukraine. It is analyzed the domestic and foreign experience of personnel management in the police as an important factor in achieving the strict observance of human rights by police, the implementation of their service function, the formation of new motivation of professional development for police, the development of communication skills and other professionally important individual psychological qualities. The purpose of the article, in accordance with a clearly formulated and properly updated thematic problem, is a research of problematic aspects of administrative and legal providing the training for the National Police of Ukraine and ways’ identification of their improvement on the base of analysis of national and international legislation and generalization of its implementation. The new requirements facing law enforcement managers today require the mastering modern approaches to personnel management. In the middle of the world's progressive concepts of police management in democracies is a human, the policeman, who is considered as the greatest value. The effective management systems are focused primarily on professional and personal growth, development of general and special skills of police officers so that they will be maximally used in professional activities, will be useful to society, contribute to the effectiveness of the law enforcement system. Of course, it is extremely difficult to achieve 100% job vacancies, but there are things that the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Police can do today to solve the problem of staffing. Summarizing the above, it should be noted that the issue of improving staff policy in the police is relevant, as currently there are not clearly such aspects as: professional selection of candidates for police service and holding vacant management positions; motivation, stimulation and personal development of staff. Therefore, in order to fully implement the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On the National Police of Ukraine” and increase the efficiency of staff management of the National Police, it is advisable to develop Regulations on the Personnel Department of the National Police of Ukraine to regulate staff issues.


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How to Cite

Koliesnik, T. (2024). WAYS TO IMPROVE THE DEVELOPMENT OF STAFF CAPACITY OF THE NATIONAL POLICE. Українська поліцеїстика: теорія, законодавство, практика, 1(1), 165–173. https://doi.org/10.32366/2709-9261-2021-1-1-165-173

