victim; minor; reactive attachment disorder; criminal offense; sexual violence; domestic violence; victim behavior.Abstract
The article is devoted to the consideration of the correlation between reactive attachment disorder and victim behavior of a minor. The author considers the main types of such a disorder and, depending on them, differentiates the type of victim of a criminal offense. It is noted that the lack of close emotional connection with the mother leads to a simplification of the worldview and destructive changes in the set of moral values. A child who is brought up in harsh conditions and placed in a certain framework gradually begins to feel discomfort, due to the inability to understand their place and role in family life, a value for their own parents. Such a situation can have two probable scenarios of further development: the first – the child will shut himself in and consider himself unworthy of the environment, friendship, love and recognition; second, the child will seek a spiritual replacement for parental love, and therefore will become vulnerable to people who will show affection and interest. It is pointed out that the formation in the mind of a juvenile victim of a criminal offense of the correct reaction to the wrongful influence and the generation of an adequate conditioned reflex to its negative consequences can be achieved by visualizing and gradually consolidating certain guidelines that form the algorithm necessary to avoid victimization. It turns out that the main reason for the victimization of such children is the emphasized protective compensation, which is aimed at overcoming the psychological trauma caused by dissatisfaction with the relationship with the mother. Adolescents who suffer from this type of disorder subconsciously seek to become victims, their behavior encouraging illegal influence. It is concluded that reactive attachment disorder can be considered an independent and full-fledged determinant of victim behavior of a minor. Disorders of reactive attachment can negatively affect several areas of adolescent life: emotional and volitional; intellectual; psychological. To date, the victim behavior of adolescents suffering from RAD is infantile (regressive), stimulating (fictitious-provoking) or situational. The reasons for victimization of such adolescents are their conformity, as well as transformational processes in the mind, caused by the wrong approach of parents to interact with their own children.
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