


child; children's rights; best interests of the child; principles of criminal proceedings; presumption of innocence; juvenile justice.


Today, the principle of «presumption of innocence» is recognized at the international and national levels as one of the basic principles of criminal proceedings. The object of this study is public relations in a specific area of children's rights – juvenile justice. The purpose of the article is to clarify the content and features of the implementation of certain aspects of the principle of «presumption of innocence» in the field of juvenile justice. The presumption of innocence is interpreted and used quite ambiguously, which is of interest to the study. To achieve this goal, general scientific and special methods of scientific research were used. The solution of the outlined tasks of the research was carried out taking into account the practice and position of understanding the content of this principle by the European Court of Human Rights. It is established that ensuring the presumption of innocence as a priority basis for the formation and implementation of child-friendly justice in Ukraine requires effective implementation in all judicial and extrajudicial or administrative cases, execution of court decisions with the participation of children. It is proved that the implementation of this principle in the juvenile justice system concerns not only the provision of procedural rights of a minor as a participant in criminal or administrative proceedings, but also other personal, social and cultural rights and freedoms of the child, the implementation or observance of which may be violated. It is emphasized that the content of the principle of presumption of innocence, as well as its actual implementation should always be correlated with the principle of ensuring the best interests of the child regardless of race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other beliefs, national, ethnic or social origin, property the condition of the children themselves or their families or any other circumstances.


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How to Cite

Veselov, M., Bulhakova, O., & Volkova, D. (2024). CONTENT AND FEATURES OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PRINCIPLE OF PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE IN THE FIELD OF JUVENILE JUSTICE. Українська поліцеїстика: теорія, законодавство, практика, 1(1), 9–18.

