legal doctrine; source of law; form of law; law doctrine; doctrine; source of criminal procedural law; source of criminal process; source of criminal proceedings.Abstract
In this scientific article, the continuation of the gnoseological (epistemological) research of legal doctrine as a source of criminal proceedings is carried out. In this scientific work, theoretical perception of scientific concepts of Ukrainian and foreign legal scholars in the field of legal doctrine as a source of law (in general), taking into account the legal significance of legal doctrine as a source of criminal procedural law (in particular) is carried out. In this scientific work, the attention is paid to the research of the fundamental and systemic relationship of legal doctrine with other sources of criminal proceedings (in particular, with the Decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine on a particular constitutional and judicial case). The text of this scientific article studies, inter alia, the fundamental and systemic relationship of Legal Doctrine with Separate Opinion of the Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine (in a particular constitutional and judicial case), as sources of criminal procedural law of Ukraine. At the same time, the peculiarities of constitutional and judicial legal regulation in the field of criminal proceedings and in combination with the study of theoretical and legal and philosophical and legal bases (foundations) of the abovementioned two sources of criminal process in Ukraine are taken into account. The scientific knowledge of the theoretical and legal and philosophical and legal relationship of the Legal Doctrine with the Separate Opinion of the Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine (as sources of criminal procedural law of Ukraine) is carried out with consideration of the scientific and theoretical features, specified in the text of Separate Opinion of the Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine of legal (in particular, philosophical and legal, doctrinal and legal, general and legal, criminal and procedural) definitions. In the text of this scientific article, the attention is paid to the humanistic legal doctrine on which the acts of international law in the field of human rights (in particular, human rights in the field of criminal procedure) are based. In this scientific article, the attention is paid to legal doctrine as a manifestation of a person's ability to learn (including knowledge of the sphere of criminal process).
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