


crime; criminology; victimology; historical aspects; genesis.


The relevance of the article is due to the need to clarify the historical aspect, the genesis of victimology, as well as the content of its conceptual apparatus, the formulation of hypotheses and the improvement of its scientific tools. The concept of victimization is a reflection of essential means and relationships, phenomena and processes that are directly related to crime. The problematic aspects of the relatively complex nature of the conceptual apparatus of victimology have been identified, as a result of which a large number of concepts of non-legal origin in criminology are fraught with the danger of destroying the mechanism of legal assessments and conclusions on crime, its causes, the identity of the offender and the victim, and prevention measures. Elucidation of the historical aspect, genesis of victimology, as well as the content of its conceptual apparatus, is a dynamic process of reconciling hypotheses and positions, thoughts and views of criminologists, victimologists, lawyers, sociologists and psychologists, the results of which form the doctrinal basis of victimology. The stated positions are an attempt to somewhat streamline the diversity of scientific approaches to the content of individual elements of the subject of victimology, which, in turn, forms the motivation for further discussion of representatives of domestic and foreign criminological schools. Justification of the genesis and content of the conceptual apparatus of victimology, its individual theoretical provisions is an integral part of the development of the concept of combating crime and has not only scientific, but also important practical importance. Consequently, the tasks of victimology include the study of not only those who was the victim, but also those who have never acquired the status of a direct victim of the crime. The purpose of such studies are to identify a complex of certain properties capable of imported in criminal manifestations, which allows to carry out the victimological forecast for both individual and mass levels. The study of crime victims is necessary to solve many problems, especially related to the organization of their physical protection.


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How to Cite

Dzhuzha, O., Tychyna, D., & Syuravchik, V. (2024). STAGES OF FORMATION OF THE WORLD VICTIMOLOGICAL THOUGHT. Українська поліцеїстика: теорія, законодавство, практика, 2(2), 19–28.

