


Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine; National Police; regulatory and legal base; international cooperation; crime prevention; system of legislation; improvement of regulatory and legal base.


The article is devoted to the research of the current condition and directions for improving the legal regulation of international cooperation of the National Police in the conditions of the functioning of the state of modern Ukraine. From the standpoint of a systematic approach, an analysis was made of the legal framework that laid the foundations for international interaction between the bodies and units of the National Police with law enforcement agencies and international law enforcement organizations. It is determined that during the functioning of the National Police as a just created state law enforcement body a certain legal framework has been formed, which has a systemic character and allows to determine specific goals, objectives and main directions of its activities in the field of international cooperation. Based on the analysis of the current legal framework, the basic principles of relations in the field of police with relevant bodies of other states and international organizations, goals, tasks and main powers of the National Police in the field of international cooperation are identified. Attention is focused on the fact that the current system of regulatory and legal support of international cooperation of the National Police is thoroughly supplemented by a number of departmental regulatory legal acts. The international components of the researched system of legal regulation of international cooperation of the National Police are characterized. It is concluded that it can be divided into two components. The first is international documents on ensuring democratic human rights and state agreements on the provision of legal assistance. The second group directly deals with the interaction of law enforcement agencies, in particular the police, and identifies mechanisms for jointly combating various types of transnational crime. These legal acts are an organic component of the legislative base for interaction or international cooperation between the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the National Police and law enforcement agencies of other countries. The role and tasks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine as the central executive body in the formation and improvement of the modern legal framework, which ensures the implementation of tasks and functions assigned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine to form a state policy on international cooperation. Attention is focused on the need to improve the mechanisms of international cooperation between the bodies and units of the National Police of Ukraine with law enforcement agencies of other states, which in turn requires targeted and systematic work towards the further development of its legal support. A number of main directions for the implementation of this important task are proposed. It is concluded that in modern conditions an integral element of improving the regulatory and legal base of international policing is its reform, taking into account European and Euro-Atlantic criteria, bringing criminal law and criminal justice in line with standards and recommendations of the Council of Europe.


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How to Cite

Zozulyа E. (2024). REGULATORY AND LEGAL REGULATION OF INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION BETWEEN THE NATIONAL POLICE OF UKRAINE. Українська поліцеїстика: теорія, законодавство, практика, 3(1), 151–160.

