crime counteraction; subject; State Bureau of Investigation; criminological policy.Abstract
The article is devoted to the study of the legal status of the State Bureau of Investigation in the system of criminological policy of Ukraine. According to the results of the study, it is determined that the essential features of criminological policy are as follows: the strategy and tactics of combating crime; it is implemented in various areas (rule-making and law enforcement activities); it should be based on criminological doctrine, scientific developments in the field of combating crime; the purpose of criminological policy – to ensure criminological security in society; means of achieving the goal – both repressive and non-repressive. Highlighting such essential features of criminological policy allows us to talk about a broad understanding of this type of policy, which as a means includes, in particular, such as criminal law, the activities of operational units and bodies (officials) of pre-trial investigation. It is substantiated that the forms of existence of criminological policy (as strategies and tactics of activities in the field of combating crime) are the formation and implementation. State Bureau of Investigation as a subject of formation and implementation of criminological policy of the state participates in the following processes: 1) formation – by participating in the rule-making process through the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (may relate to general social and special criminological prevention); 2) implementation – by direct counteraction to crime (by levels – special criminology and individual) and / or management of crime counteraction. In order to fully understand the participation of the State Bureau of Investigation as a subject of formation and implementation of criminological policy, special research attention is paid to the characteristics of its activities depending on the levels of crime prevention. It is concluded that the strategy of crime prevention covers the general social and special criminological level of crime prevention, and tactics - special criminological and individual levels. Since the strategy and tactics of counteraction to crime should be based on verified criminologically significant information, the scientific and methodological and analytical support of the State Bureau of Investigation activity is a necessary component of the activities of the specified authority.
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