legal support, preparation for military service, civil-military cooperation, military personnel, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, military formationsAbstract
The purpose of the article is to define the concept and peculiarities of preparation for military service as a subject of civil-military cooperation in the legal aspect. The author examines the range of subjects involved in preparation for military service in its legal and organizational aspects. It is found that the sphere of preparation for military service under the legal regime of martial law requires special forms of consolidation of civil society with the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations. It is determined that the main task of civil-military cooperation in the field of preparation for military service is to use the capabilities of the civilian environment (civil society, enterprises, institutions and organizations of all forms of ownership) to provide the Defense Forces with the necessary number of military-trained citizens capable of performing military duty at a high level. It is substantiated that preparation for military service can be viewed from the pedagogical, psychological, sociological, military, economic and legal aspects. The author formulates the concept of preparation for military service as a subject of civil-military cooperation in the legal aspect: it is a set of legal means and instruments united by the common goal of legal regulation – creation of conditions for manning the military formations of Ukraine with highly motivated servicemen with developed professionally important qualities. This goal is achieved through the joint work of civil society institutions, public authorities, business entities, educational institutions and military formations. The most important areas of their interaction are national-patriotic education, pre-mobilization training and training in certain military specialties that require special knowledge and cannot be provided in sufficient quantities by the military education system.
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